Online Coaching

If you want it, go get it!


Complete the form

If you're ready to commit, please fill out the contact form and let's begin our journey!


Wait to be contacted

You will receive a text from me within 48 hours upon form completion.


You are all set

We will schedule a phone call to discuss your fitness goals and how I can help you.

What do

you get?

Workout plans made for you

Customized to fit your needs and schedule while maximizing results.

Your own meal plan

Variety of nutritious meals that fit your needs and preferences.

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins with me, making progress tracking simple and easy.

Continuous communication

Personal communication at anytime, anyplace! I will be here for you.

Workout plans made for you

Customized to fit your needs and schedule while maximizing results.

Your own meal plan

Variety of nutritious meals that fit your needs and preferences.

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins with me, making progress tracking simple and easy.

Continuous communication

Personal communication at anytime, anyplace! I will be here for you.

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the features.

Why choose

online coaching?

Coach is posing with ablue workout outfit.

When it comes to my fitness philosophy, this is what it comes down to: 'If you want it, go get it!' In order to grow and make true progress, that means stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging your mind and body, but you CAN do it! Growth is uncomfortable sometimes; it is my job as a coach to push you through the discomfort and teach you how to navigate these challenges and become a PRO at making adaptations!

Hi, I'm Jurica and I specialize in hypertrophy. With over 6 years of experience, a Kinesiology degree and on going education, I provide personalized nutrition plans, workout programs, and consistent 1-on-1 communication and check-ins to help you achieve your fitness goals! I take care of the planning, so all YOU need is the dedication. With my programming and your hard work, we can achieve any goal under the sun! Sign up with me and let's get started!

Start Now